Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

What is Theta Healing®?

Theta Healing ® is a powerful neuroscience technique that uses your theta brain wave state to reprogram your subconscious mind and alter your belief systems. This is also known as energy psychology.

Did you know that all of our subconscious programming is done before the age of 7 and that after this we spend 95% of our time acting from the subconscious mind!?

During each session we will discuss blocks that you are experiencing in your daily life and then use a simple muscle testing technique to identify what to work on.

We can remove self-sabotaging or limiting beliefs and replace them with programs which will radically alter how we experience life. This is a deeply relaxing process and you will leave the session feeling lighter, brighter and with a renewed sense of clarity. The results are efficient, instant and you will see your life changing around you. This technique has radically altered my life so I’m honoured to share it with you. It really does have to be experienced to be believed!

Theta Healing

Coaching Packages

Coming back to Love

Are you struggling to find your way with dating?

Do you keep falling for the wrong type of person?

Is your current relationship stagnant or stuck?

Do you feel unable to embody your feminine and let your partner lead?

Let me help you by reprogramming your subconscious love blocks to attract your perfect partnership or revolutionize your current relationship.

This package consists of 5 online sessions over 3 months with a 20 minute check in each month priced at £495.

Fulfill Your Life Purpose

Are your living your soul’s purpose?

Do you lack the confidence to launch your business?

Are you lacking direction in your career?

Do you crave more alignment between your day job and passions?

Let me help you by reprogramming your subconscious blocks to enable you to move towards success, abundance and alignment.

This package consists of 5 online sessions over 3 months with a 20 minute check in each month priced at £495.

I offer one off Theta Healing sessions for £150