• Did you know mineral imbalances and deficiencies may account for 80-90% of health issues?

  • Did you know you can’t utilise vitamins without minerals?

  • Did you know that hormone healing, gut healing and metabolism healing are ALL possible when we balance our minerals?

Mama, are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?

Has your health taken a nosedive after having your children?

Do you have to drag your butt out of bed each morning?

Sounds like Mineral Balancing could be for you.

A Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis test is quick, simple and great value way of getting a unique snapshot into your current health picture. Think of it like a cell biopsy to see what’s happening at a cellular level over approximately the past three months. This invaluable knowledge allows me to guide you in purposeful supplementation and lifestyle changes to help you with fatigue, metabolic issues, chronic ailments, preconceptual care, postpartum healing and so much more.

Test, don’t guess.

  • Nutrition

    With so many different diets out there and conflicting nutrition advice, how on earth are we supposed to know what’s best for us? HTMA will give you a clear picture of your metabolism and your nutritional needs at the moment. This test gives us a better idea of what is going on in the body at a cellular level and is far more accurate than a blood test for nearly all minerals

  • Minerals and Deficiencies

    Who knew minerals were so important!? These vital elements can be everything when it comes to getting your energy back, sorting your sleep out, optimising your metabolism and healing chronic disease. Our soil has become depleted and our modern lives are not conducive to remineralisation. Did you know that vitamins cannot work without minerals!?

  • Toxicity

    HTMA tests for historic and current toxic metals and elements which could be a root cause in the symptoms you’re experiencing. If this is the case we can work on a detox strategy together and mineral balancing to mitigate any reactions. It is important to remineralise the body before embarking on any harsh detox protocols.

  • Thyroid, Adrenals and Hormones

    This test looks deeper than the hormones circulating in blood to show us what your cells are actually able to receive and use. HTMA is the rest of the picture when it comes to recovering from adrenal fatigue and thyroid imbalance. By addressing mineral imbalances we can stop adrenal and thyroid issues in their tracks.

  • Supplementation

    Minerals are antagonistic or synergistic so it’s important to have someone to interpret your results and to recommend lifestyle and supplement changes to bring your health and mineral status back into balance. There is more to the puzzle than being low in something and simply supplementing as we need to look at ratios between minerals as well as cofactors.

  • Mental Health

    It might be surprising to hear that mental health and mood disorders can be due to something as physical as mineral imbalances but it's true! A magnesium deficiency for example can lead to symptoms of anxiety, irritability and hyperactive behaviour not to mention insomnia and disordered sleeping. Clients report dramatic mood changes after mineral balancing.

What my Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Package includes

Your HTMA test plus retests - This simple test requires you to cut a small amount of hair and post it, simple!

Interpretation of your test results via zoom - Reading HTMA is like a foreign language. I will break it down for you and explain what the levels, ratios and relationships of the minerals and heavy metals mean and give you actionable steps to work on.

A detailed PDF report on your results - I know some of you love the detail, the Hair Analysis App report provides this by the bucket load.

Nutrition Advice - I will give you an overview of what foods and habits will bring your body back into balance so that you’re no longer confused by the latest nutrition trend.

Supplementation Guidance - No more stabbing in the dark trying the latest thing. I will recommend practitioner grade supplements to address the issues I see from your HTMA results. You will receive my practitioner discount.

Daily Lifestyle tips - I will advise on issues with sleep hygiene, stress management, breathing, exercise and more to optimise and speed up your healing.

Gentle Detox Strategies - Confused by what actually works? I will help you to address any toxic metals shown on your results through gentle naturopathic detox techniques.

Clarity around root cause of chronic conditions - I will teach you why you’re sick and depleted and what to do about it, educating and empowering you along the way.

My ongoing, expert whatsap support during your mineral balancing journey and monthly follow up zoom calls - This isn’t a quick fix and it will require some dedication from you to put the work in, but trust me, it will be worth it.