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Hi, I’m Melanie.

I am a Naturopathic Nutritionist with a passion for deep healing on all levels. I combine techniques that work on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

Everything that I do with my clients helped me to transform from being chronically sick, tired and depressed to living a life full of joy, health and vitality. Think of me as the guinea pig, I tried everything, so you don’t have to.

My qualifications include

  • Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Nutritional Healing and Naturopathy

  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Practitioner Training

  • GAPS - (Gut and Psychology/Physiology Syndrome) Practitioner

  • Theta Healing - Basic and Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, Manifesting and Abundance, You and the Creator, You and Your Inner Circle.

  • DONA Birth Doula

  • Buteyko Practitioner Training

  • Kundalini Yoga Teacher

  • Vinyasa Teacher

  • Altered States of Breath Teacher

My story of chronic health issues and disconnection.

As a small child I suffered from debilitating eczema, asthma and allergies. Stuck in the medical model I tried every treatment under the sun but things only got worse.

I was perpetually exhausted and in deep despair at numerous points in my teens. It was only when I visited a Naturopathic Nutritionist on a yoga retreat age 27 that I truly understood why my body was so sick and what to do about it!

I was immediately inspired to study this incredible science and signed up to the Nutritional Healing Foundation days later. I began working deeply on my health through dietary changes, supplements and Naturopathic techniques and FINALLY woke up feeling energized, better late than never!

At the time I had a successful (yet stressful) cafe business and it soon became apparent to me it needed to go. This shift led me on a journey of, cliched yet very real, ‘self discovery’. I realised that working on my physical body wasn’t enough. We have to feel it to heal it! And I had spent the first 27 years of my life numbing and suppressing my feelings. My nervous system was fried! Once I added in a daily kundalini yoga practice and then discovered Theta Healing, things really started to shift.

In 2021 I discovered Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and my inner geek rejoiced. This test has revolutionized my Nutrition practice and allowed me to access an even deeper healing for myself and my clients.

Step-motherhood and then motherhood in the recent years has definitely demanded even more nervous system balance and nourishment, as you can imagine if you have little ones around! All this being said, I have real life experience of this work so do get in touch if my story resonates.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

If you’re unsure if my expertise are for you, let’s chat it through.

I appreciate that you’ve spent time and money on other healing modalities so I want to make sure we are the perfect fit for each other.

Book a free 15 minute application call and let’s find out if this protocol will work for you.

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“From the moment I sat down with Mel to go through my case history, it felt like someone was really listening and trying to actually make sense of it all for the first time!

Her calm, professional manner helped me to feel at ease and I found myself sharing my whole story with someone who really cared and wanted to help me find a solution. Her treatment plan was clear, concise and easy to follow.

Knowing she was there for follow up support was crucial during the period of change that followed. I would highly recommend Mel to anyone looking to make a positive and lasting change to their health. I'm so glad I had the chance, it has truly been a massive boost on my path to better health.”

– Gill, previous client