Are you a mum struggling to cope with exhaustion, brain fog, lack of motivation and all sorts of random symptoms?

Hi, I’m Melanie – I can help you get your life back.

Do you dream of waking up each day feeling energised, vital and radiant? Do you want to put your health issues to the back of your mind and focus on thriving rather than surviving? Do you lack energy for your children and dream of being that present, fun mum?


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 “I have worked primarily with Mel for nutrition but the nutritional support alongside the Theta Healing has been incredibly potent for me. It's one thing knowing what to eat and when but it’s a whole new level of support when we can go in and re-write the script around beliefs around food etc.”

– Trish, previous client


Do you want to feel healthy, energised and vibrant without restrictive diets and complex protocols?

Me too!

My journey to health has been a long one, I spent the first 27 years of my life exhausted and inflamed. Believing my body had gone wrong, that it was working against me and we were at war.

It was only when I saw a Naturopathic Nutritionist that I understood my chronic dis-ease was a product of my environment, internal and external.

And even better, there was a lot I could do about it. I’ve now reached a place of balance without a complex protocol, restriction or elimination diets.


I felt like I had tried every medication and healing modality under the sun.

Why was nothing working?


Reason #1

Unresolved trauma and limiting subconscious belief patterns were keeping me safe… and sick.

95% of the time we act from our subconscious programming, that we received before the age of seven.

Often these patterns are self sabotaging, unhelpful and keeping us stuck.

Reason #2

Nothing was truly holistic enough.

I didn’t address sleep, breathing or my stress levels.

Without changing these daily habits it is like swimming upstream.

Reason #3

I didn’t have consistent support and guidance.

I thought I could do it all myself, sound familiar?

I now realise that accountability is everything! I will be there to teach, support and guide you step by step on your healing journey.

You’ve tried a lot of things,
but you're not seeing the results you want.



Elimination diets

Elimination diets

Expensive supplements

Random Supplements



Allergy testing

Allergy testing

Talk therapy

Talk therapy

You need an even more holistic approach.

Over the past 8 years, I’ve developed The MA Method based on my own health journey.

“Ma - rebirth, regeneration and consciously experiencing the joy of the infinite”

By working on your physical, mental/emotional and spiritual health as well as using mineral balancing and the foundations of sleep and the breath, we can achieve deep and long lasting healing. This protocol goes beyond just food and supplementation. I will teach you how to use Naturopathy and Neuroscience to heal yourself and to hear what your body, mind and soul needs.


With The MA Method, I will support and guide you to reclaim yourself by combining mineral balancing with multiple therapies over a 4 month period.

Nutritional Therapy ‘Food is not just calories, it is information that actually contains messages that communicate to every cell in the body.’ –Dr Mark Hyman

Nutritional Therapy 

‘Food is not just calories, it is information that actually contains messages that communicate to every cell in the body.’

–Dr Mark Hyman

Naturopathic TechniquesSimple and easy to implement techniques to gently detoxify and revitalise each and every cell.Learn more about Naturopathic Techniques

Naturopathic Techniques

Simple and easy to implement techniques to gently detoxify and revitalise each and every cell.

Learn more about Naturopathic Techniques

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis TestingThe best way I’ve found to get a complete and accurate view of your in depth health picture from a non invasive test.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Testing

The best way I’ve found to get a complete and accurate view of your in depth health picture from a non invasive test.

NeuroscienceTheta Healing to reprogram your limiting subconscious belief patterns that are preventing you from moving forward.Learn more about Theta Healing


Theta Healing to reprogram your limiting subconscious belief patterns that are preventing you from moving forward and keeping you in burnout. Do you believe you create your own reality? Let’s make it great!

Learn more about Theta Healing

Breathwork and Pranayama Simple breath techniques to hack your nervous system and stress response to accelerate your healing.

Breathwork and Pranayama 

Simple breath techniques to hack your nervous system and stress response to accelerate your healing. Healing happens in the parasympathetic nervous system right? I’ll teach you how to get there fast.

Kundalini MeditationThe fastest way to access your bliss!

Mindful Supplementation

Mineral balancing is a powerful way to bring the body back into balance addressing any burnout or lack of energy and vitality. By giving the body what it needs with food and supplementation, you ignite your innate healing capacity.

What will you get?

  • My expert support, guidance and coaching for 16 weeks - we will take a deep dive into your healing for four whole months.

  • A detailed pre-consultation questionnaire - this way I get a full picture of your health history and current picture on paper so that we can spend our valuable time in session really getting results.

  • An intake session to get to the root cause of your depletion and burnout by addressing stress timeline, family history and much more - finally a chance for you to really share your story and feel understood.

  • One hour sessions bi weekly combining Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, Naturopathic Nutrition and Theta Healing subconscious reprogramming - a regular chance for you to work on your issues and your tissues! To work through whats coming up in real time for a happier and healthier you.

  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Tests at the start of our time together and a follow up test - a revolutionary test for getting your energy and vitality back.

  • Written protocols after each session - no need for note taking, you’ll get a hard copy to keep so you can focus in session.

  • Naturopathy lesson worksheets - want to learn as well as heal? I’ve got you. You will have this information for life.

  • My favourite healthy recipes - no more endlessly googling for recipes. I’ll share my tried and tested favourites.

  • Guidance and discounts on practitioner grade supplements - no more stabbing in the dark trying the latest thing, let me guide you.

  • Detox protocol guidance and support where applicable - are you confused by the latest detox trends? Let me guide you with what actually gets results.

  • Sleep hacks - because we could all do with more sleep right??

  • Whatsapp and email support for the duration of the program and three months after - access to my expert support so you can get all your questions and concerns addressed quickly. I’ll also keep you on track with your desires and goals for the program to maximize your results.

Sounds good, what’s the catch?

I only work with 4 clients per month.

This is so that I can give each of you my fullest attention, care, love and support.

If you’re unsure if my protocol is for you, let’s chat it through.

I appreciate that you’ve spent time and money on other healing modalities so I want to make sure we are the perfect fit for each other.

Book a free 30 -min information call to see if my method will work for you.

 Need some headspace to think it over?

I can email you a free 15-minute guided Theta Healing meditation to help you kickstart your healing journey.


 Let’s connect on Instagram